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Ditch the Fear

and become a more confident rider

Julia Logo

One day intensive coaching for riders who want more
confidence and calm

Rainbow Smoke

Do you want to have the best of adventures with your horse? To ride more confidently
and spend more time enjoying their company? To feel the exhilaration and enjoyment of
trying new things together?

Perhaps you lack confidence after a fall?

Maybe you swing between a bad case of butterflies, or are paralysed with fear in certain

Perhaps you want to try to achieve things with your horse but are close to giving up?


“mission accomplished – first ever beach ride, it felt liberating!”

white horse

Wouldn’t It Feel Amazing to Quiet
the Nagging Voice in Your Head Which Tells You:

  • “You can’t do this”

  • “What if I fall?”

  • “What if my horse doesn’t like it?”

  • “What if I mess it up?

  • “What if people judge me?”

  • “Maybe I’m not cut out for this”

    And instead, be able to achieve more of what you want with your horse?


“I want to think of jumping as something that’s fun, not scary.”

white horse

You have nothing to
fear except fear itself

It’s a cliché, but it’s true. We’re only born with two natural fears, everything else is acquired, and even they can be reprogrammed. They don’t have to limit what you can achieve with your horse.

You can gently find the root cause of your fears (they aren’t always what you expect) and be
given the tools to ditch the fear and become a more confident rider. Tools which you an access
and use over and over again, to maintain calm and focus in situations where you feel anxious or fearful.

“Hi Julia, the session really paid off! I went back to the arena from last week for a lesson and I
was so confident and self-assured that I had an awesome ride! My trainer even commented on it.”

Your Horse is Your Mirror

A lot of the time, if you’re anxious or nervous, your horse will pick up on it. They are prey animals and they don’t have the privilege of language, so they use other cues. Such as your body language, position or the tone of your voice to assess if there’s a problem. Thus, if you’re scared, quite often, your horse will be too because you’re giving them cues without realising.

“It feels like a breakthrough for me. It’s remarkable how many times a day I use the tools you gave me, even things like pulling out of a busy junction. I’ve found it instantly calming. It’s bloody brilliant!”


Here's how I can support you

I will help you to unpick mindset blocks and limiting beliefs. We’ll dig into unconscious self-beliefs that you may have acquired over the years and reframe them so your emotions can become more positive.

You will be supported to address your fears in a constructive way and I will give you tools and techniques to overcome them.

In this package, I use a variety of techniques but mostly NLP and hypnotherapy. I also use my experience and training in horsemanship to support your journey. These techniques all work together to get your mind in a place where you can start to become a calm and confident rider.

You’re always in control. We work together to explore what your experiences have been, so you can create a more confident and calm reality.

"I find myself returning to the things we worked through and listening to the inner voice which has shifted from being one that encouraged me to hesitate to one that reassures and has given me confidence and a calmness that I can apply to any life situation.”

Your Horse is Your Mirror

Buck Brannaman is famously quoted as saying “your horse is a mirror to your soul”.
And it’s the truth.

Horses don’t think like humans. They don’t have the same emotions that we have, they rely on a sixth sense that we humans tend to lose. They are prey animals, so their instincts are flight, fight or freeze, and they usually choose the former.

So it stands to reason, if you’ve got an unconfident horse and you’re worried or nervous, they will pick up on the imperceptible signs of your fear and display it themselves.

For example, if you put your focus on a bird in a tree because they’ve spooked at one before and they sense you might be scared about it, they’ll be scared about it too.

I want to do the best I can and not feel as if I've let my horse down

Here’s How Ditch The Fear Can Help You

Remain calm and focused before riding your horse, going into lessons or trying new activities with your horse for the first time.

Reframe when things don’t go to plan, so they don’t knock your confidence.

Understand where your anxieties and fears stem from, you’ll have had help to separate yourself from the fears, to overcome them and to reframe the experiences that created those fears in a way that leaves you feeling positive.

Feel more in control of your own emotions, so they don’t run the show, you do.

If you’d like to find out more about how Ditch the Fear and Become a More Confident Rider can help you, get in touch.

Julia and Horse

The Brass Tacks



  • Delivered using a mixture of NLP, Time Line Technique , Sports Psychology and Equestrian coaching.

  • 1 day of bespoke coaching, delivered over Zoom (or face-to-face at one my rider retreats or at a venue of your choice, please email me for those options).

  • We’ll address your fears and concerns in a comfortable way, and give you the tools to reframe them so you can have a more confident ride.

  • You’ll come away with a toolbox of techniques you can use every day in situations where you want to feel calm and in control.

Appointments can be made on weekends.

What's my investment?

Summer 2023
Special Offer Price


which can be paid in two instalments

It's for you if:

You know that much of what is going on is fear based or confidence related
You want to be able to go on a hack, go to acompetition or try new things knowing you’ve got the tools to help you remain calm and focused, without everything around you making you wobble.
Maybe you’re new to competing or eventing, or want to take yourself out of your comfort zone so you can achieve more with your horse.

It's not for you if:

Your horse really misbehaves or if you’ve had an accident through your horse being unsafe.
Your horse regularly bucks, bolts, rears. If it does any of those things, it’s not in your head. It’s a problem with the horse. The first step I would suggest is to contact a vet or a physio to get your horse assessed. Next I would suggest getting saddle and bridle checked. If that’s all OK, your next steps would be to get help from a horsemanship specialist. Please get in touch, I am happy to recommend specialists in your local area.

Frequently Asked Questions


I've had a bad fall and I’m not sure I’ll ever get over the fear of it happening again, will this programme help?


You have to be committed to do the work, but something like TimeLine Technique will help you release the unnecessary fears.


Can I work with a trainer alongside this programme?




Yes, absolutely. Their skills focus primarily on your riding ability and technique, I’m working with what goes on in your head.


I've had hypnotherapy before but it didn’t work out.


You’ve got to be committed to change and hypnotherapy will only workif you want it to


I’ve been struggling with a particular fear for a long time, will you be able to help me?


Yes, If you’ve been struggling with a fear for a long time, it’s likely it stems back to an event in your childhood which is probably unrelated to horses and your unconscious has been reinforcing that fear throughout your life.


Will I be in control if I am under hypnosis?


Yes, I can’t make you do something you don’t want to do. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, you are in control all the time.


Will I be in control if I am under hypnosis?


Yes, I can’t make you do something you don’t want to do. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, you are in control all the time.

Colour Horse
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